Pelican Case Foams for Airscope

November 06, 2018

Foam Sales Pelican Case Foam

Recently Foam Sales prepared these Pelican case inserts for Airscope. The lads at Airscope perform aerial mapping and image collection, digitising it for inspection and mapping purposes, all with the use of drones. They required quite a few cases needing varying cutouts for their drones and associated equipment. 

Most of the foam used here is our closed cell EVA foam cut from dxf files on a water jet cutter. The lids were finished with convoluted polyurethane foam inserts.

If you need any aerial mapping or close up images of hard-to-see places then contact Airscope.

Foam Sales Pelican case insert for Airscope drone Foam Sales Pelican case insert for Airscope Foam Sales Pelican case insert for Airscope equipment 

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