Gutter Guard Filter Foam

Foam Sales' Gutter Guard Filter Foam is a firm black flexible foam triangle profile (125x75mm as seen in the image), and is supplied in one metre lengths. The foam is designed to fit into most standard home and commercial building gutters. The filter foam acts to allow water to pass through into the gutter, while preventing leaves and litter from entering the gutters and down pipes. 

The foam we supply is a reticulated open cell foam with a large pore size, which allows heavy rainfall to pass through the foam into the gutters in the same volume as if the foam were not there. The foam is designed to sit high in the gutter allowing for water to move below it along your gutter in the usual way.

Because the foam sits near the top level of the gutter, leaves do not easily settle on its surface, and in usual circumstances most litter will be blown away. We guarantee that our foam profiles, if correctly fitted, will prevent leaves and litter from entering the gutter system of your home or business. 

Installation of these foam gutter guards is usually simple and quickly achieved. In the case of single story houses, anyone who can safely stand on a ladder is usually able to complete their installation in a very short time. 

The foam is fire retardant, suitable for use in all regions of Australia. It is also UV stable, ensuring a long service life. 

Benefits include:

  • firm, high density foam that does not shrink or collapse
  • the foam medium is fully porous, allowing the passage of water in heavy downpours, with no retained water in the foam
  • never again clean leaves or debris out of your gutters - guaranteed
  • simple and quick installation
  • the foam filter guards are not visible from the ground
  • the foam contains fire retardant to prevent combustion from embers
  • The foam formulation is UV resistant, enabling our warranty of 5 years, and an expected service life of 10 years

Comments and conditions of Warranty:

Foam Sales' Gutter Filter Foam is Guaranteed, if fitted correctly (as seen in the image on this page), to prevent leaves and litter from entering your gutters. This does not mean that you will never need to check the foam and to brush leaves and debris off from its top surface. Where there are overhanging trees this may need to be done regularly, as would be the case with any gutter guard system.

We recommend that the foam be cleaned annually, or otherwise as required, by brushing off the surface debris, and rubbing the foam to release dust where necessary. Where leaf litter and atmospheric dust are abundant a buildup can accumulate, creating a medium for the growth of moss and small local plants. This buildup needs to be shaken and rubbed, or washed out from time to time as required. Even in these cases you will still save time, even hours, that would have been spent otherwise cleaning the leaves and litter from your gutters.

Foam Sales' Gutter Filter Foam carries a 5 year Warranty when serviced as mentioned above.

Because the foam contains fire retardant and UV stabilisers, we do not recommend the use of this foam in gutters from which drinking water is being collected. 

For wholesale quantities, and for custom size filter foam products please contact us directly.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Tess (Melbourne, AU)
Amazing secret

Don’t LISTEN TO PLUMBERS who say there’s nothing prevent leaf blockages. They obviously don’t know about this product and it’s DEFINITELY not the same as the Bunnings foam!
I have 3 massive gums which are 3 stories high. I’ve been here for 35 years and have consistently had leaf blockages and flooding a nightmare.
Since I put the foam in 3 years ago I have only had to have some check once a year compared to every 2 months.
The gum leaves blow off I can see them after a windy all over my concrete side way so I know for sure it’s working. There is no debris in the gutter because of the angle cut and this make the rain wash the fine dirt down the drain. Unfortunately for me my next door neighbour has a Jackaranda tree and if you have ever seen these leaves they a minuscule so they do get caught up in the foam because the holes are large for drainage purposes SO every year I get some to pull them out I give the a good old shake and the tiny weeny leaves drop out . If that Jackaranda tree was not there I would not have to do this at all or infrequently at least. For me and my situation I am at peace thank to this product it the best for me.
Ps Roof cleaners NEVER spruk these products because they don’t want to be out of a job $250 every 2 months less than 2 hours work.

Thank you for the feedback, Tess. We are very excited and encouraged that it's worked out so well for you. Best, E.T.

Terence K. (Melbourne, AU)
Excellent easy to install gutter protector

This a fantastic product and so easy to Instal

Not Environmentally Friendly

After extensive research, I decided this product is not a viable option. Whilst it does what it says, the fact it breaks down and creates micro particles is a big red flag. I instead purchased stainless steel gutter guard from fielders.

Rolf E. (Brisbane, AU)
Great simple product

Great service and simply an easy to install solution to gutter maintenance

Thank you Rolf! RB

Stephen L. (Melbourne, AU)
Absolutely Fabulous

Like many people I have tried many things but these actually work - really well! The only problem my son foresaw in the long term is that the sun will break the plastic down and probably release micro plastics into the environment.

Hello Stephen, thanks for your positive feedback. The foam material will powder on the surface over the years as the sunlight breaks it down. We understand that foam dust breaks down more quickly and fully than micro plastics that result from the breakdown of plastic products. In this respect we believe it to be less of an environmental pollutant than a dust that is absorbed back into the soil. Should you, or any readers of this Review, have any further information on this aspect of environmental pollutants, we will be pleased to hear from you. Thanks again for your Review, Stephen. SB